Blue screen of death (BSOD) issue affecting Windows computers (Crowdstrike)
On 19/7/2024 Windows computers were affected worldwide by an update to Crowdstrike software that manages anti-virus protection. The issue has been resolved however some affected devices may need manual intervention to fix the issue.
If your computer is not presenting any problems there is no need for you to do anything
If your device is showing a blue screen error message "Your device ran into a problem and needs to restart" try rebooting it a couple of times. If the issue goes away you do not need to do anything further
If after a few restarts the error still occurs, you can use the steps below to resolve this issue. If you are not confident in doing this please raise a service desk ticket using "Report an issue", select "Technology Services" then "Software" and your IT support staff will assist you at the earliest convenience in business hours.
Recovery procedure:
Boot Windows into Safe Mode or the Windows Recovery Environment. You do this by holding down the SHIFT key while rebooting the computer
When Windows starts, open a file explorer window and go to the %WINDIR%\System32\drivers\CrowdStrike directory (type this in the top input field - refer screenshot)
Locate the file matching “C-00000291*.sys” and delete it.
Reboot the device normally